
Geographic Information
In Japanese: Chirijoho
I maintain this site to post contents of natural disasters, incidents of environmental changes, and significant images of the earth and space. Also, some of my research papers and maps are included here. Please send your comments. - L. K. Perera

Sandstorm in north central Africa

Sandstorms are common in Sahara desert and surrounding northern Africa, but impact of these storms to human settlements are increasing due to recent droughts and growing population. This May 10, 2006 TERRA MODIS image shows a section of huge sandstorms that hit few countries in north-central Africa. The sharp edge of the thick sand cloud is clearly visible in this region belongs to southeast Niger. The same storm completely covered the Lake Chad, which is already greatly shrank by prolong droughts, sandstorms, and over use or water. Satellite images are providing low cost effective data source to monitor and map sandstorms.
28 June, 2006