Geographic Information
In Japanese: Chirijoho
I maintain this site to post contents of natural disasters, incidents of environmental changes, and significant images of the earth and space. Also, some of my research papers and maps are included here. Please send your comments. - L. K. Perera
Published Research Papers
The role of MODIS data in visualizing flood disaster information for Mass Media, on prints, Asian journal of Geoinformatics
Perera, L. K., Pathirana A,.(2006), on prints, Asian journal of Geoinformatics
Leyte disaster, background and some clues to upgrade disaster mitigation plans
Perera, L. K., Furuya, H.(2006), Asian journal of Geoinformatics Vol. 6, No 2, April 2006, pp 23-28
Detecting tsunami damage from Satellite data in Sri Lanka
Perera L. K., (2005), Asian journal of Geoinformatics Vol. 5, No 3, July 2005, pp 112-118
Tsunami disaster of Sri Lanka, its uniqueness, affect,
and some damage mitigation possibilities
Perera L. K., Herath S. (2005), Asian journal of Geoinformatics. Vol. 5, No 2, May 2005, pp 38-44
Do remote sensing and GIS have a practical applicability in developing countries ?
Perera L. K. and Tateishi R.(1995), Int. Journal of Remote Sensing. Taylor & Francis, Vol. 16, 1, 18-35
Land suitability assessment for reforestation in southern Sri Lanka.
Perera L. K., Kajiwara K. and Tateishi R.(1993), Journal of Japan Photogrametric and Remote Sensing Society, Vol. 32, No. 5, 1993, pp 4-12.
Identification of Forest Cover Changes by Landsat MSS Data and Environmental Effects of such changes in Central South Sri Lanka.
Perera L. K., Tsuchiya K., and Toyota H.(1992), Journal of Geography, Tokyo Geographical Society, Vol.101,No.4,307-317