Geographic Information
In Japanese: Chirijoho

I maintain this site to post contents of natural disasters, incidents of environmental changes, and significant images of the earth and space. Also, some of my research papers and maps are included here. Please send your comments. - L. K. Perera

Chirijoho (Japanese word for Geographic Information) presents my research activities and some of digital maps and satellite images based geographical contents produced by my self. This web site is presently limited to academic and research interests and frequently update with latest environmental issues.

I completed my MS (1992) and Ph.D.(1995) in remote sensing and GIS (Geographic Information systems) in Chiba University, Japan. I am from Sri Lanka and hold resident visa for Japan and Australia. Presently I work in Tokyo, Japan.

Please contact for information or works related to disaster monitoring, environmental remote sensing, mapping, and graphics (in English or in Japanese ).Chijiroho updates frequently, please visit again.

L. K. Perera, Oct. 2005 Chiba, Japan and Brisbane, Australia

Maps and Graphics

Land cover



Tsunami damage

Please write your mails and comments to Perera Copyright © 2005 All rights reserved.