Liyanage Kithsiri PERERA Ph.D.

Nationality: Sri Lankan. Permanent resident of Australia and Japan
Languages: English, Singhalese, and Japanese
Date of birth: 1961. Sept. 02
Permanent address: No. 1, Beldale St, Sunnybank Hills, QLD, 4109, Australia.
Address in Japan: Miyanogi dai 1-13-24-201, Hanamigawa-ku, Chiba, Japan.
Telephone: Home: 07-3423-8797, Mo.: 04-1325-9284 (Australia), Mo: 080-3007-0489 (Japan)
Home page:

  • Ph.D. Remote Sensing, GIS, and Environmental Science, Chiba University Chiba, Japan, 1992 - 1995
  • M.Eng. Remote Sensing, Chiba University Chiba, Japan, 1990 - 1992
  • BA Geography Sp., Upper 2nd Class, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka, 1981 -1984

    Remote Sensing, GIS, and Mapping, including digital and visual interpretation of satellite data and aerial photos.
    Visualizing spatial data including designing maps. Please see some present works at: Chirijoho (GIS)
    Web maps and graphics on natural disasters and environmental issues. Created over 4,000 images, maps, and over 1,200 one-page reports for daily environmental reports within last 8 years.
    Graphics and web graphics (14 years of experiences). Graphic home page: iiphotos
    Designing WEB pages, printed materials, and free had drawings.
    Recognition of Australian government as a cartographer.
    Conducting research works related to environmental topics. Latest is Mekong River Basing mapping with MODIS 250m data.

    Software in use for Remote Sensing, GIS, and graphics
    ER-Mapper for Remote Sensing and GIS
    IDRISI for Remote Sensing and GIS
    Limited use of Map-Info, and Ark-Info (can be adopted soon)
    Adobe Photoshop (extensive) and Illustrator
    WORDS, Excel, PowerPoint, and HTML editing software

    Employment History and Research Experiences
    1995 To date 12 years Japan Digital mapping, WEB/TV contents of disasters and environmental issues
    2006 May 4 weeks Japan/Australia Compiling geographical coordinate data base of Australian cities and localities
    2006 May 3 months Japan, Keiai University Visiting Lecturer, Remote Sensing
    2006 3 months Japan. UN University, Tokyo ArcIMS database of flood-prone regions of Asia including detail maps of Mekong River Basin, (a funded research)
    2005 6 months Japan. UN University, Tokyo Land cover and flood maps of Mekong River Basin, using satellite data, (a funded research)
    2004 6 months Japan, UN University, Tokyo Remote sensing database of Floods in Asia, (a funded research)
    2003 2 years Japan Sandstorm monitoring with MODIS data
    2000 3 months UK, London Project coordinator (on job works)
    1999 1 year Japan Landover mapping of Asia, Chiba University
    1998 1 year Japan Wet and Dar paddy area mapping (on job work)
    1997 2 weeks USA,San Francisco Landsat TM Satellite image Mosaic of Japan (on job works)
    1992-94 3 years Japan Environmental assessments of Sri Lanka for micro-climatic changes, Japan science council funded projects
    1989 2 years Japan, NON Co. Ltd., Tokyo Cartographer
    1985 4 years Sri Lanka Mapping based on Air photos, number of projects conducted by universities
    1985 3 years Sri Lanka,University of Sri Jayewardenepura Assistant Lecturer (Cartography and Climatology)

  • Published Research Papers
    The role of MODIS data in visualizing flood disaster information for Mass Media, on prints, Asian journal of Geoinformatics
    Perera, L. K., Pathirana A,.(2006), on prints, Asian journal of Geoinformatics
    Leyte disaster, background and some clues to upgrade disaster mitigation plans
    Perera, L. K., Furuya, H.(2006), Asian journal of Geoinformatics Vol. 6, No 2, April 2006, pp 23-28
    Detecting tsunami damage from Satellite data in Sri Lanka
    Perera L. K., (2005), Asian journal of Geoinformatics Vol. 5, No 3, July 2005, pp 112-118
    Tsunami disaster of Sri Lanka, its uniqueness, affect, and some damage mitigation possibilities
    Perera L. K., Herath S. (2005), Asian journal of Geoinformatics. Vol. 5, No 2, May 2005, pp 38-44
    Do remote sensing and GIS have a practical applicability in developing countries ?
    Perera L. K. and Tateishi R.(1995), Int. Journal of Remote Sensing. Taylor & Francis, Vol. 16, 1, 18-35
    Land suitability assessment for reforestation in southern Sri Lanka.
    Perera L. K., Kajiwara K. and Tateishi R.(1993), Journal of Japan Photogrametric and Remote Sensing Society, Vol. 32, No. 5, 1993, pp 4-12.
    Identification of Forest Cover Changes by Landsat MSS Data and Environmental Effects of such changes in Central South Sri Lanka.
    Perera L. K., Tsuchiya K., and Toyota H.(1992), Journal of Geography, Tokyo Geographical Society, Vol.101,No.4,307-317

    Funded Projects
    1. ArcIMS database of flood-prone regions of Asia including detail maps of Mekong River Basin. Funded by the United Nations University, Tokyo June. to Aug. 2006
    2.Flood inundation area and land cover map of Mekong River Basin by satellite data.Funded by the United Nations University, Tokyo Apr. to Oct. 2005
    3.Digital data archive of floods in Asia and Pacific regionFunded by the United Nations University, Tokyo, Feb. to Aug. 2004
    4. Management of forest cover and paddy cultivation by GIS in Sri Lanka 1994 6-050K, 5. A GIS based land suitability classification for reforestation in Sri Lanka 1993, 5-0576. Vegetation change monitoring in central south Sri Lanka by Satellite data. 1990, 2-100These three researches funded by Sasakawa Scientific Research Grants through the Japan Science Society, Japan.

    Latest research papers in proceedings
    Please see the complete list at;
    Perera, L. K., Tsuchiya, K., (2006) Application of MODIS data to update 1980s vegetation map of Southern Sri Lanka, COSPAR International conference, Beijing, China 16-24 June, 2006
    Perera, L. K., Tateishi, R., (2006): Mass media GIS, a promising tool to attract public awareness for environmental issues, Annual symposium of the Japan Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, May, 2006, Chiba University, Japan.
    Perera, L. K., Tateishi, R., Xiao, J., (2005): Sandstorm mapping in Bodele depression, North Africa, with MODIS natural color images. International conference on Remote Sensing, December 2005, Chiba University. Japan.
    Perera, L. K., (2005): Mapping Asian and African dust storms with satellite data and GIS, 7th CEReS Environmental remote sensing symposium. February 2005, Chiba University, Japan.
    Perera, L. K., Tateishi, R., (2004): Dust storm monitoring with MODIS data in Africa and Asia, Proceedings of international symposium Organized by Chiba university and University of Indonesia, October, 2004, Chiba Univ.
    Perera, L. K., (2003):. Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Systems (GIS); Vital Tools in Disaster Mitigation, Regional workshop on Remote Sensing data application, by JAXA, Japan, The University of Philippine, Manila, Philippines

    Memberships in academic societies
    Japan Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing(JSPRS)
    Tokyo Geographic Society
    American Association for the Advancement of Science(AAAS) (1999)
    New York Academy of Science (1999)

    (Letters of recommendation can be produced)
    Professor Ryutaro TATEISHI: Tateishi Lab, CEReS, Chiba University, Japan.
    Professor Kiyoshi Tsuchiya, Director, Hiroshima Earth Environmental Information Center, Japan.
    Dr. Srikantha Herath, The UN University, Japan.
    Dr. Sumith Pathirana, Southern Cross Univerty, NSW, Australia

    Liyanage Kithsiri Perera
    07-3423-8797 (Australia) Tel. 080-3007-0489 (Japan)

    Please write your mails and comments to Perera Copyright © 2005 All rights reserved.